Skills for the 21st Century





Content Mastery/ Dominio de los

Students master a subject when they are fluent and creative in using their knowledge, skills, and understanding.

Students can:
-apply learning from one subject to another
-share their knowledge with others creatively
-speak about their strengths and weaknesses
-use academic vocabulary


Civic and Global Engagement/ Participación cívica y global

Students must explore multiple perspectives, uphold community values, and understand civic responsibility.

Students can:
-know how their actions impact the community
-understand that people face different experiences
-promote and defend their rights and the rights of others
-practice leadership skills to influence change
-determine the truth behind information


Self Direction and Personal Responsibility/ Autodirección y

Students create high standards for themselves in their community, schools, and classrooms. Learning, resilience, perseverance, and goal setting.

Students can:
-name habits that build a healthy mind and body
-express emotions in a healthy way
-be in control of their actions and commitments
-build a growth mindset to overcome obstacles
-reflect on progress toward goals


Communication/ Comunicación

Students must determine accuracy of information and how to leverage it effectively.

Students can:
express their thoughts and feelings appropriately
-consider different tools to share thinking, with an audience in mind
-listen closely to help their group work towards a common goal 
-represent data collected from others in  a clear visual representation
-clearly explain their ideas to help the audience understand
-listen to others with empathy and without interruption

Critical and Creative Thinking/ Reflexión crítica
y creativa

Students may generate complex approaches to global challenges. Take intellectual risks, be decisive, and learn from failure.

Students can:
generate questions to deepen understanding
-use a design process to identify possible solutions to a problem
-develop a prototype
-reflect on and adjust ideas based on failure and success
-use their imagination to think of new ideas and extend the ideas of others
-adapt to new environments using past experience


Collaboration and Leading by Influence/ Colaboración
y liderazgo mediante
la influencia

Students balance varying perspectives, communicate clearly, and resolve conflicts to cultivate creativity and entrepreneurship. 

Students can:
-influence diverse groups, and encourage groups to work together toward a goal
-understand and respect that their teammates have different ideas and perspectives
-create norms to foster good group dynamics across different types of interactions, both face-to-face and virtually
-encourage others to work hard and celebrate their success
-think of new ways to approach a problem
-ask for help in a timely manner when a lesson has been missed
-listen to others with empathy and without interruption


Agility and Adaptability/ Agilidad y

Students will thrive in dynamic situations and environments. Students will think critically, take to new physical skills, solve complex problems, and utilize technology.

Students can:
play many roles simultaneously
minimize disappointment and maximize enjoyment during change
-understand that there are many ideas that can be explored or combined
-express interest in a variety of topics
-use different types of tools to solve problems when designing
-tinker with, and take something apart to learn how it works